MSMSS00017 – Use high pressure water jetting equipment (Release 1)
This skill set MSMSS00017 – Use high pressure water jetting equipment (Release 1), also known as the Assistant Course, is designed specifically for the High Pressure Water Jetting industry and in accordance with the high pressure water jetting standard AS 4233:1.
The Assistant course is designed for people with little or no HPWJ experience with Class B machines. An Assistant can do all the work an Operator can do, but they need to be supervised by an experienced Operator.
MSMWJ202 – Use high pressure water jetting equipment (Release 1) Single unit
The Assistant (single unit) course is intended for workers who hold a current Assistant skillset (MSMSS00003 or MSMSS00017). The Assistant (single unit) course is nationally accredited and designed specifically for the high pressure water jetting industry in accordance with the high pressure water jetting standard AS 4233:1. 2013.
MSMSS00018 – Operate a high pressure water jetting system (Release 1) – Operator
The Operator course is designed specifically for the High Pressure Water Jetting industry in accordance with the high pressure water jetting standard AS 4233:1. 2013
This course is intended for workers who already hold MSMSS00017- Use high pressure water jetting equipment and are looking to progress to supervising other high pressure water jetting team members.
MSMSS00018 – Operate a high pressure water jetting system (Release 1) – Operator REFRESHER
The Operator Refresher course is designed specifically for students who already hold MSMSS00018 – Operate a high pressure water jetting system (Release 1) and need to refresh their qualification to meet the requirements of the high pressure water jetting standard AS 4233:1. 2013.
MSMSS00019 – Operate a drain cleaning system (Release 1)
This course aims to provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge to operate drain cleaning equipment in a safe and efficient manner. In accordance with the high pressure water jetting standard AS 4233:1. 2013, all operators of a Class B drain cleaning machine shall be trained.
MSMWJ305 – Operate a drain cleaning system (Release 1)
This course aims to provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge to operate drain cleaning equipment in a safe and efficient manner.
In accordance with the high pressure water jetting standard AS 4233:1. 2013, all operators of a Class B drain cleaning machine shall be trained.
MSMSS00020 – Operate a vacuum loading system (Release 1)
The Vacuum loading course is designed specifically for the Industrial Services industry by All-Ways Training Services Pty Ltd (AWTS).
The course covers the fundamentals of a vacuum loading system and its safe operating procedures.
MSMWJ306 – Operate a vacuum loading system (Release 1)
This course aims to provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge to operate Vacuum Loading equipment in a safe and efficient manner.
Topics covered include vacuum principles, equipment, techniques, safety, legislation and problem solving.
Class A HPWJ Training (Non-Accredited)
The Class “A” training course has been developed through a process of consultation with industry and it is reflective of industry needs. In December 2013 the latest revision to AS 4233 1&2 was released. Section 7 Operational Training, has had considerable changes which now mandates specific High Pressure Water jetting Training for Class A machines. The course is 50% theory and 50% practical instruction.
Custom courses can be created to satisfy a training need, or to cascade together several prerequisites to achieve a more advanced outcome.
Non-Accredited product specific or technical training is also available.